We offer a variety of private training services that can be custom fitted to your needs and the needs of your dog. From individualized puppy training that covers the basics like house training and positive training techniques, to come when called, jumping on guests, door dashing baby proofing and more.
What ever you want to work on, we can help.
Strong foundations are important!
It is much easier to teach proper behavior than correct bad. Learn training techniques that are fun and effective for both you and your dog.
Gooddogz Training uses evidence based, positive training methods, and Nancy is a life long learner dedicated to positive methods.
All sessions are at our Training Studio in Westbrook at 28 St
1 Session 3 sessions pre paid package 5 sessions pre paid package
$90 $255 $400

Frequently asked questions
How do I know if I need private sessions or behavior services?
Training sessions, are just that - training time. If you have aggression, fear based behaviors, separation anxiety, reactivity or other behaviors that require extensive knowledge, time and education from Nancy, you will be booked as a behavior client. Behavior clients have extensive pre screening, time and support.
Training sessions cover things like, potty, recall, cues and manners.
Should everyone in the house attend?
We do want everyone in the house on the same page. Gooddogz Training recognizes that having everyone home is not always possible, but we do try to accomodate busy families as best we can.
My dog is perfect in the house . Where else can we meet?
We utilize several satelitte locations including, Veterinary and Rehabilition Center of Cape Elizabeth, Pet Quarters in Windham, outdoor cafes and stores that allow dogs like Cabellas and Lowes, Poetic Gold Farm,
Falmouth (when it is not booked, which is not often), and the great outdoors.
We have more than one dog that needs training. How does that work?
Your session is your training time, and you can use it for multiple dogs. We welcome multi dog households. In some cases we decide to break it down into longer sessions for each dog. We will bill for extra time if needed.
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