Private sessions held with Nancy Freedman-Smith, CDBC, CBATI
Post Covid we are busier than ever .
*Sessions held at our new training studio in Westbrook or on Zoom. No in home at this time*
If you are thinking of training, please don't wait too long to get on the schedule.
To get on the schedule, prepayment is required.
**There is a 48 hour cancellation policy*
Nancy is proud to be one on Maine's few CDBCs, Certfied Dog Behavior Consultants through IAABC, The International Association of Animal Behavior Consultants. IAABC is considered the industry standard for well-rounded, quality, ethical animal behavior information . IAABC testing process involved over 500 hours working as a consultant, referalls, and case studies, all blindly peer reviewed. This year I joined their The Application Review Committee, and help to anonymously, review score submissions against a rubric that assesses both practical experience and the critical thinking skills of applicants.
Behavior Services for Aggression and Reactivity
Nancy specializes in fearful dogs, rescue dogs, family dogs, reactive dogs and most forms of aggression.
One of the most common dog training issues is over reactivity, often leading stressed-out humans to euthanize or re-home those dogs because they don’t know how to find help. Now owners of aggressive or fearful dogs in Portland can be assured of a trusted dog training coach.
Please budget at least 90 minutes.
Initial Consult $125.
Nancy is one of first twenty dog trainers to meet the strict requirements to become a Certified Behavior Adjustment Training Instructors (CBATI). Behavior Adjustment Training (BAT) is a low-stress, non-aversive technique for working with problem dog behaviors such as aggression, fear or frustration.
A dog-friendly method for rehabilitating and preventing reactivity in dogs, BAT works by helping dogs learn socially acceptable ways to deal with the things that scare or upset them.
BAT is not just a way to prevent or rehabilitate problems; it also teaches two-way communication, which builds a more powerful relationship between people and their dogs. I have noticed a significant, positive relationship change between dogs and their owners when I teach them BAT, and have used it with my own dogs as well as foster dogs with very positive results.
I have lived with reactive, explosive dogs and managed them closely for over 20 years. I found BAT to be the missing link.
$125 Behavior Consultation
5 Behavior sessions , after initial consult
3 Behavior sessions, after initial consult
Single behavior session, after initial consult is completed $100
Additional mileage charges apply over 10 miles at 50 cents per mile and tolls.
Consults include follow up.
Gooddogz1@aol.com 207-671-2522
Please contact us to schedule a time for private sessions, both for in person and on line.
Cancellations of private sessions with less than 24 hours notice, are subject to payment of full price, and session is forfeited.

Cyber Dog Training
Using modern technology, it is now possible to work with Nancy via video of your dog, email, phone and cyber consults on Zoom.
We are now able to help people with busy schedyules and in areas and countries where no positive training exiists.
This is a great choice for clients who are out of area, or for clients who prefer the comfort of their own home.
We have found that is can be invaluable to get a true sense of your dog(s).
How it works
You may be asked to fill out an indepth screening report.
After careful review you may be asked to video tape your dog . A phone and or
Cyber session will be booked. Payment is due in advance for this feature.
Your session will be scheduled after payment is recieved.
Training options will be discussed at length to find the best solution for your family, and then a follow report will be emailed within a week.
1 Hour cyber consult, $125.00